So there's a project I've set out for myself. At the end of January I was sorting and filing the music I'd dragged down into my hidey-hole pre-hibernation.... Once I'd finished plugging things into my database and tallied 'em all up the new total came to exactly 2400.
That seemed important. An epic number.
It meant that if each CD averaged out to one hour that I had 100 straight 24 hour days of listening.
Instead of stocking up on methamphetamines and snackey cakes I figured... why not slow that down to eight hour listening days and stretch it out to a 300 day party??
So here I am. Listening to my records collection. For 300 days. Drive time. No repeats.
Already I've hit a snag of sorts. Well two really. First up... my database is alphabetical, but doesn't discriminate by genre... whereas my physical filing system separates rock from jazz from electronic etc. So do I listen by the database list or just pull 8 CDs in a row every day? I've gone with option B to start with... if only because some of my "play" time is in store and some of the outer stuff could scare people away if they came in at the wrong moment. The second snag is that yesterday's snowstorm meant the lab was closed in the evening and I got the night off... therefore I couldn't do the data entry (I'm about to inflict it upon you below) on the first eight discs last night. I'm a day behind in other words. Well no matter... I have a few "wiggle room" days to still put me on schedule for years end... that's the goal. Of course it doesn't take into consideration any new acquistions in 2007 (it's not like I'm going to stop, y'know...). Oh well. No system's perfect. On ward.
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